Strategies to help Public Sector agencies prepare for the Digital Transformation of Revenue Management

As the entire economy becomes increasingly digital, citizen’s expectations of Public Sector agencies have changed significantly.  The world is now mobile and connected, and citizens now expect agencies to digitize processes and lower the burden of compliance.  Citizens now expect the same level of digital experience from their tax or revenue authority as they do from every major financial institution that they interact with.

These increasing expectations present an opportunity for tax and revenue authorities to transform their business and operational processes, with data and automation, to simplify compliance for businesses and individuals.  The Future of Tax and Revenue Administration requires a platform that is intelligent, adaptable, real-time, and enriched with data to simplify and transform processes, and to prepare for the rise in complexity and ever-increasing expectations.

Please join Oracle and RIA Advisory, an Oracle Gold Partner, for a webinar on Digital Transformation of Revenue Management, where we will introduce you to our solution for Local, State, and Federal authorities, powered by Oracle Revenue Management and Billing (ORMB).  Oracle has partnered with RIA Advisory to introduce a complete solution for the digital transformation of tax and revenue management.  We will dive into specific ways that agencies can prepare for this digital revolution.  Characteristics of this transformation include:

Interconnected Agencies that part of a Whole Government.  Traditionally, government agencies operate in as separate and siloed entities.  Citizens increasingly view agencies as dimensions of the “whole government”, and expect services, processes, and information to work together across the whole of government.

Tax Certainty embedded in the event.  Many tax processes rely heavily on the concept of Voluntary Compliance, which places the burden of reporting compliance, along with perpetual risk of audit, squarely on the taxpayer’s shoulders.  Businesses and Individuals are increasingly looking for simplicity and tax certainty embedded directly in each taxable event.

Transparency that promotes trust. Studies show that citizens are much more likely to comply when they believe everyone else does, and they believe the funds are used wisely.   Agencies will increasingly be transparent with measuring and publishing how revenue is collected and managed.

Frictionless Experience.   As much as possible, tax should just be part of a natural process, such that there is no barrier to compliance, and non-compliance becomes quite difficult.

Automation, with a human touch.  Complex, Manual, and Siloed processes are a burning platform.  Technologies like AI hold the promise of making intelligence decisions, but it must be blended with and overseen by human skills.

Please register today to attend the event on April 7th!

Thank you very much for your time, and we look forward to speaking with you.

 Register Here –

Read Oracle’s Blog on our solution for Public Sector here